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Alternative strategy for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B in Cambodia: the ANRS 12345 TA PROHM study


Author : Segeral, Olivier
Under the direction of : Laurence Meyer
Université Paris-Saclay
Doctoral thesis defence: 17/12/2021
Langue française Texte français

Keywords : Epidemiology, Cambodia, Hepatitis B, Pregnant women, Mother-child transmission, Public health, Cambodia, Tenofovir, Health services - Decentralization - Cambodia, Pregnant women - Medical examinations, Rapid diagnostic test, Vaccination schedule, Hepatitis B - Vertical transmission of infectious disease.


The construction of the professional identity of future teachers of FLE in Vietnam: traces of reflexivity in writing practices


Author : Le, Thi Phuong Uyen
Under the direction of : Annemarie Dinvaut
Avignon University
Doctoral thesis defence: 16/12/2021
Langue française Texte français

Keywords : Language sciences, Vietnam, Professionalization, identity, Reflexivity, Activity, Posture, Teaching profession, Professional qualifications, Teaching - Attitude, Reflexivity (philosophy), Professional identity, Philosophy of action.


Adaptation au changement climatique au Vietnam avec les mangroves et le riz


Author : Trung Vo, Hung
Under the direction of : Michel Simioni
SupAgro, Montpellier
Doctoral thesis defence: 16/12/2021
English Language English text

Keywords : Economy, Vietnam, Ecosystem, Climate change, Agriculture.


Understand how and why consumers perceive and react to CSR in an Asian country: the case of Vietnam


Author : Le, Thi Hai Yen
Under the direction of : Nathalie Fleck-Dousteyssier
Université du Mans
Doctoral thesis defence: 15/12/2021
English Language English text

Keywords : Economy, Vietnam, CSR, Green values, Mindfulness, Voluntary simplicity, Habituation, Connection to nature, Death anxiety, Internal locus of control, Social responsibility, Consumers - Attitude, Product quality, Values (philosophy), Cosmetics - Industry and trade - Food industries.


Literature and censorship in a colonial environment: the case of Indochina (1887-1945)


Author : Keo, Phirith
Under the direction of : Corinne Flicker
Aix-Marseille University
Doctoral thesis defence: 15/12/2021
Langue française Texte français

Keywords : Languages, Literatures and Civilizations, Indochina, Colonization, Indochina, French and Francophone literature, Freedom of expression, Censorship, French Colonies, Freedom of expression, Anti-imperialism in literature.


The relationships between strength of ties, absorptive capacity cum type of knowledge, and values creation : an exploratory sequential mixed methodology study of service-based social enterprise in Thailand


Author : Bunyasiriroj Satawat
Under the direction of : Carine Dominguez Pery and Vincent Michel Ribière
Grenoble Alpes University
Doctoral thesis defence: 13/12/2021
English Language English text

Keywords : Management sciences, Thailand, Strength of links, Absorptive capacity, Types of knowledge, Value creation, Social enterprise, Social economy enterprises.


Public spaces in Hanoi: The influence of models in a metropolizing city


Author : Pham, Thi Ngoan
Under the direction of : Helga-Jane Scarwell, Quoc Thong Nguyen and Divya Leducq
Lille University
Doctoral thesis defence: 13/12/2021
Langue française Texte français

Keywords : Urban planning and development, Vietnam, Publicity, Public spaces, Urban life, Metropolization, Urbanization, Sustainable urbanism.


Nature and urban projects in Hanoi: What consideration for which green city?


Author : Nguyen, Quoc Dat
Under the direction of : Helga-Jane Scarwell, Quoc Thong Nguyen and Divya Leducq
Lille University
Doctoral thesis defence: 13/12/2021
Langue française Texte français

Keywords : Urban planning and development, Vietnam, Urban marketing, Sustainable urban planning, Territorial marketing, Urban ecology, Green spaces, Urbanization, Metropolization.


Learning languages for specific purposes and action oriented perspective: Military French in Vietnam


Author : Bui, Thi Hai
Under the direction of : Tamas Szende
Doctoral thesis defence: 11/12/2021
Langue française Texte français

Keywords : Language sciences, Vietnam, Foreign language, Military French, Action perspective, Intercultural, Device, Vietnamese soldiers - France - Teaching, French - specific and technical language - Studies and teaching - Vietnamese speakers - French as a foreign language.


Les compétences émotionnelles des enfants et adolescents vietnamiens : une première prise en compte du contexte culturel


Author : Le Hoang, The Huy
Under the direction of : Jacques Grégoire
Catholic University of Louvain
Doctoral thesis defence: 21/12/2021
Langue française English Language Texte français et anglais

Keywords : Educational sciences, Vietnam, Emotional skills, Children, Adolescents, Vietnam.


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