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Researchers’ positions at IRASEC

These positions are managed by the InSHS and are not the subject of a specific announcement, but are filled every year according to the procedures provided by the InSHS for the various categories of positions (see the InSHS page for more information).
Assignment of CNRS statutory researchers to IRASEC
The mobility file to be submitted to the InSHS management in February-March for an assignment in September.
The mobility file must include :
a research project an updated CV a letter (...)


Hosting of lecturer-researchers (University) in CNRS delegation at IRASEC

Approach in your University
Delegations abroad follow the normal procedure of the reception campaign as a teacher-researcher delegation, generally launched in October November. The schedule of delegation requests is specific to each university and necessarily involves successive votes by the UFR Council and UFR Scientific Council and then by the university authorities (CA and Scientific Council). The teacher-researcher must obtain a favourable opinion from his university for his departure (...)


Fieldwork Scholarships

Each year, IRASEC awards two fellowships to support field research. These scholarships are intended for doctoral students from France or abroad (registered in a French university) pursuing research on contemporary Southeast Asia. They are intended to conduct field studies on the theme of the doctorate, to deepen research already undertaken in thesis or to start a new post-doctoral field.
The issues must provide an original and innovative perspective on South-East Asia, in the following (...)


Support for short-term international mobility (SMI) (from 3 to 9 months) for researchers, research engineers and professors

Within the framework of the SMI, Support for International Mobility, and in support of the development of scientific projects with an international dimension, InSHS offers researchers, including teacher-researchers and research engineers, units that it co-manages, assistance for carrying out research activities abroad.
This assistance covers all disciplines and all types of research missions (field work, consultation of sources, project development, collaborative writing of books or (...)


Doctoral contracts with international mobility

The InSHS opens a call for applications for the award of 4 doctoral contracts of 36 months in autumn for a submission of the application is usually mid-December. The purpose of the call is to examine applications submitted by a supervisor or co-supervisors qualified to supervise a thesis in a doctoral school, who propose a doctoral subject.
These dossiers must always be designed on the principle of a scientific set-up developed jointly between a research unit in France whose CNRS is (...)


Adjunct researchers

The association link concerns researchers and teacher-researchers in any research or higher education institution, as well as independent researchers who collaborate with IRASEC and its members through collective projects carried out at or by IRASEC. This link is also of interest to doctoral students or young doctors based in Bangkok or in the South-East Asia region.
The projects must be in line with the laboratory’s thematic axes. Projects proposing cooperation and co-financing with other (...)



Each year, IRASEC hosts internships for periods of four months each. The internship takes place at IRASEC’s headquarters in Bangkok (Thailand).
The Institute gives priority to Master’s students studying in the fields of political science, economics, contemporary history, and anthropology.
Internships last four months.
Duties consist mainly of copy-editing duties, media-monitoring of the ASEAN countries, putting together a timeline of major events throughout the year for each of the (...)