Home > English > Resources > List of theses > List of theses published on Southeast Asia in 2017

Differentiated instruction implementation in primary schools: linking psychological factors in students and teachers to achievement

Author: Suprayogi, Muhamad Nanang
Under the direction of: Martin Valcke
Ghent University
English Language English text

Keywords: Social sciences, Indonesia, Differentiated beliefs, teacher, Indonesia.


Becoming a gendered citizen : Filipina marriage migrants’ political incorporation in South Korea

Author: Kim, Il Ju
Under the direction of: Zoua Vang
University McGill
English Language English text

Keywords : Sociology, Philippines, Gender, Migration, Marriage, Filipino women in South Korea, Political participation.


Transplantation of Asian spices in the Spanish empire 1518-1640: entrepreneurship, empiricism, and the crown

Author: Bassewitch Frenkel, Omri
Under the direction of: Gwyn Campbell
University McGill
English Language English text

Keywords: History Southeast Asia, Domestication, Asian spices, Spanish Empire, Philippines.


Perception of sexual interest: examining the roles of situations, dispositions, and culture

Author: Goh, Pei Hwa
Under the direction of: Dominik Schöbi
Fribourg University
English Language English text

Keywords: Psychology, Malaysia, Sexuality (psychology), Seduction, Self-esteem, Social status, Mood (psychology).