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How to read Indonesia’s 2024 multi-level elections? National shifts and regional dynamics

Roundtable organised by IRASEC and Géographie-cités, at ESSEC Business School, Asia-Pacific campus, Singapore.
Wednesday 15 January 2025 at 10.30-12.30.

In Indonesia, 2024 was punctuated by election campaigns and various ballots : presidential and legislative votes (February 14), then to renew 545 regional chiefs (November 27), most of whom were previously represented on an interim basis.


Private patronage in modern & contemporary southeast asian art ecologies & art histories, 20th–21st centuries

Saturday, 24 February 2024
Bangkok Art & Culture Centre, Bangkok

In Private Patronage in Modern & Contemporary Southeast Asian Art Ecologies & Art Histories, 20th–21st Centuries, to investigate and open up debate on the historical import of private patronage in modern and contemporary Southeast Asian art, we ask : who are some of these patrons ; what motivates them ; what have they done and how so ? How has their philanthropy impacted modern and contemporary Southeast Asian art and its prominence at the national, regional and international levels ? How have their priorities and activities evolved over time from the 20th to the 21st century, and what of their role in the future ? Lastly, how might a shift in focus to their roles in the history of Southeast Asian art revise the ways in which we write nascent critical histories of art in the region ?


Social Innovation in Southeast Asia: From Control of Change to Socio-Ecological Transformation

Workshop co-organised by IRASEC,
French-Upper Mekong Sub-Region Academic Cooperation Center (MFU),
Asian Research Center for International Development (ARCID, MFU),
and School of Social Innovation (MFU)
as part of the 2023 “Year of Innovation (YOI)” programme, French Embassy in Thailand

1st-2nd November, 2023
Venue : School of social innovation, Mae Fah Luang University


Current Electoral Processes in Southeast Asia - Regional Learnings

Conference at the Faculty of Political Science (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok)
Monday 22 May 2023, 8.30 am – 16.00

The conference will provide an opportunity for experts from six countries to work together to decipher the issues and consequences of these elections (including the future ones). Moreover, based on a regional perspective, it will try to draw comparisons, parallels and contrasts, and to identify broad regional trends in the functioning of electoral systems and the political institutions on which they are based.


Sharing Post-coup Experiences

Tuesday 16 May 2023, 14.00-15.30 (UTC+07:00)
Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University

The roundtable Sharing Post-coup Experiences aims at shedding light on post-coup Burmese society from three different angles : the designation of otherness inherited of successive nationalist discourses ; the perspective of women, actresses who are playing a central role in the opposition to the junta ; and finally, the artistic resistance scene, which not only expresses the voices of contestation but also contributes to envisioning political alternatives.


Timor-Leste and ASEAN

Tuesday 28 February 2023 — from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Faculty of Law of Thammasat University - Room 221 (2nd floor)

At the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits in Phnom Penh in November 2022, the ASEAN leaders agreed in principle to admit Timor-Leste to be the 11th member of ASEAN. Although no date was given yet for the membership, the 2022 decision constituted by far the most significant move since 2011, when Timor-Leste landed its application to the regional organisation.


Commoning Water(s): Resources, Services and Ecological Justice in Asia

Wednesday 26 October 2022
Alliance Française Media Library
179 Thanon Witthayu, Lumphini, Pathum Wan - 10330 Bangkok

Inclusive and just water security is widely recognized as principal challenge in the era of the Anthropocene. Water insecurity affects the livelihoods of both rural and urban populations in Southeast Asia, and the wider the Global South.


Birmanie : (dis)continuité État-nation

Conférence de François Robinne (Alliance française de Bangkok, 18 mai 2022)


Multidimensional approaches to the (New) Regional Order in the Indo-Pacific: views from Asia and the European Union

5th of May 2022
Welcome and overviews speeches
Roundtable 1 about Maritime Security
Roundtable 2 about environmental issues
Download the booklet / the poster
This webinar precisely intends :
Firstly, to get an official overview and feedback after the Ministerial Forum for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, organized in Paris on 22 February, which gathered 40 countries.
Secondly, to bring together researchers from ASEAN, India and Japan to share insights on two related issues, namely (...)


Lancement d’Asie du Sud-Est 2022 à Bangkok

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Lancement du livre L’Asie du Sud-Est 2022 - bilan, enjeux et perspectives, avec la participation de l’ambassadeur de France en Thaïlande, SE Thierry Mathou, le lundi 21 mars 2022.
Cinq auteurs (Adèle ESPOSITO, Christine CABASSET, Jean-Philippe EGLINGER, Éric FRÉCON et Jérôme SAMUEL) ont débattu lors d’un événement hybride co-organisé par l’Alliance Française de Bangkok et animé par Pierre PRAKASH, directeur adjoint Asie de l’International Crisis Group.
Lire / télécharger le (...)



16 -17 December 2021
An Event in the frame of the Fonds d’Alembert 2021 conference cycle, co-organized by UDDC-Chulalongkorn University, the Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC), the Embassy of France in Thailand, along with Thai Health Promotion Foundation.
The One Health concept has long been a vision of integrating health with other sciences. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic who highlighted the close link between human, animal and environment health, this (...)


Myanmar crisis seen from the borders

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While the crisis is still raging in Myanmar, borders areas are under high migration and health pressure among others. Since the coup, thousands of people, fleeing violence of the Tatmadaw, try to make their way to borders, finding themselves in a very vulnerable situation -if not under fire again- hoping to get into a refugee camp or in any safer area in neighboring countries. In turn, the influx is a burden for the latter. Adding again to the complexity of the situation in (...)


Lancement du livre Asie du Sud-Est 2021 à Bangkok

Présentation du livre L’Asie du Sud-Est 2021 - Bilan, enjeux et perspectives par Jean BAFFIE, Christine CABASSET, Étienne CLEMENT, Adèle ESPOSITO, Serge MORAND et Claire Thi Liên TRAN. La rencontre est animée par la journaliste Carol ISOUX.
Conférence en ligne, le 2 juin 2021.
Regarder la video


Bangkok’s Night of Ideas 2021

The second edition of the Night of Ideas takes place at the Alliance Française in Bangkok with a debate with six panelists on the role of citizens in the urban fabric in Southeast Asia with screenings.
Bangkok’s Night of ideas will be a rallying call to action fostered by a deep reflection on the environmental issues and role of citizens in urban changes based on the specific nuances found in Southeast Asian cities.
Watch the video
Speakers :
• Dr. Dominique ALBA, Director of Atelier (...)


The new normal: protecting the seas and their coral reefs in Thailand

On the occasion of the World maritime day on the 24th September, the Embassy of France and the Alliance Française of Bangkok are holding an event on the protection of the seas and their coral reefs in Thailand.
This event aims at raising awareness on the importance of coral reefs in the marine environment, their role in protecting coastlines, and the threats that weigh on these ecosystems today.
Watch the video
A panel discussion will highlight the environmental ; but also social (...)


Asia’s Post-Pandemic Order and Integration: Outlook of ASEAN and the Indo-Pacific at Crossroads

Watch the video playlist

“Asia’s Post-Pandemic Order and Integration : Outlook of ASEAN and the Indo-Pacific at Crossroads” is an international conference organized by The Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC-CNRS) with the ASEAN Studies Center (Chulalongkorn University) in Bangkok, and the ASEAN-India Centre (AIC), RIS in New Delhi.
8-9 July 2021 - Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok


Doing fieldwork in social sciences

“Doing fieldwork in social sciences” is a methodological seminar organised by Emmanuelle PEYVEL with the support of IRASEC, Van Lang University, the University of Pedagogy, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and the Architecture and Research Center (ARC).
9 and 10 June 2021 - Văn Lang University
Download the program.


Lancement d’Asie du Sud-Est 2020


Societies and Environments in Southeast Asia


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