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Adjunct researchers

The association link concerns researchers and teacher-researchers in any research or higher education institution, as well as independent researchers who collaborate with IRASEC and its members through collective projects carried out at or by IRASEC. This link is also of interest to doctoral students or young doctors based in Bangkok or in the South-East Asia region.

The projects must be in line with the laboratory’s thematic axes. Projects proposing cooperation and co-financing with other institutions in France, Europe and the region are preferred.

Requests for association should be sent, outside the calendar, to the IRASEC management, which will have them examined by the laboratory council for a decision. If accepted, the association takes effect immediately. The application must include a letter of motivation describing the proposed project in association with IRASEC (with an attached document if necessary) and a CV. An informal exchange or seminar presentation may be requested.

The association is materialised by the signature of an association charter for a renewable period of two years.

Students who have obtained an IRASEC scholarship are automatically associated for a period of two years.