Pierre-Arnaud CHOUVY
Dr. Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy is a French research fellow at the CNRS (PhD in Geography, University La Sorbonne). As a member of the PRODIG Research Unit (Unité mixte de recherche 8586, CNRS, France), he specializes in the study of the geopolitics of illicit drugs, with a focus on Asia. He produces the website www.geopium.org and published Les Territoires de l’Opium. Conflits et Trafics du Triangle d’Or et du Croissant d’Or (Genève, Olizane, 2002). More recently, with Joël Meissonnier, he published Yaa baa : Production, Traffic and Consumption of Methamphetamine in Mainland Southeast Asia (Singapore and Bangkok, Singapore University Press and IRASEC, 2004).