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Frédéric DURAND

Frédéric DURAND




Lecturer at the University of Toulouse II - Le Mirail and researcher at the CNRS Southeast Asia Centre UMR 8170, LASEMA team, he is the author of several books on Southeast Asia, the Malay world and Indonesia. He has published four books on Timor with IRASEC : a geo-historical atlas, a study on Christianity in the two halves of the island, a history of cartography and travel to Timor, and a study on the future prospects of the country.

L’Asie du Sud-Est 2009 Timor Lorosa’e - Pays Carrefour de l’Asie et du Pacifique Catholicisme et protestantisme dans l’île de Timor : 1556-2003 Agriculture, environnement et sociétés sur les hautes terres du Viêt Nam East Timor - A Country at the Crossroads of Asia and the Pacific Timor : 1250-2005 Timor-Leste en quête de repères East-Timor Timor-Leste contemporain /Timor-Leste-contemporainIndonésie contemporaine REVOLUSI TAK KUNJUNG SELESAI