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Renaud Egreteau (born in 1978) has a degree in Political Science (Institute of Political Science of Bordeaux, 1999) and in Oriental Studies (INALCO, Hindi, 2002). After completing his M.Phil degree on India’s Burma Policy (DEA Analyse Comparative des Aires Politiques, Asie, Institute of Political Science of Paris, 2002), he started his PhD in Political Science (Asia) under the supervision of Christophe Jaffrelot, Director, CERI.
He received a two-year scholarship from the Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi, India (2002-2004) and a one-year scholarship from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Programme Lavoisier, 2004-2005) to be an affiliate researcher at IRASEC (Bangkok, Thailand). His PhD Dissertation (« India, China and the Burmese Issue : Sino-Indian Rivalry through Burma and its Limits since 1988 »), was successfully obtained on December 4th, 2006 (cum laude). Since, he has furthered his postdoctoral research on the competitive rise of India and China in Asia, the transitional process and the isolationist strategic trends observed in a militarized Burma and the political instability of India’s North-East.

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