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Caroline GRILLOT

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Caroline GRILLOT



Caroline Grillot is a social anthropologist (Paris X-Nanterre University) and a sinologist (INALCO). She spent more than ten years in China, studying in Shandong University (1994-95) and Sichuan University (1998-2000) with the support of the French Foreign and European Affairs, and working in various fields. She also assisted the UNESCO Beijing office at implementing programs in social sciences. Her researches have mainly focused on social margins in China and Southeast Asia. She has recently obtained a joined Ph.D. in social anthropology at Macquarie University (Australia) and the Free University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) under the supervisions of Professor Lisa Wynn and Professor Pal Nyiri. Her research topic concerned cross-border marriages between Vietnamese women and Chinese men in borderlands, a topic on which she published a book in 2010 (Volées, Envolées, Convolées...). She is currently a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Germany).