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Adjunct researcher



bruno.jetin ubd.edu.bn

Statutory researcher from 2013 to 2015

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Bruno Jetin is an economist, associate professor at the Institute of Asian Studies, University of Brunei Darussalam, and lecturer in economics at the University of Paris Nord, Sorbonne Paris Cité. His research focuses on Asean, inequality, social cohesion and growth regimes. He published the article “Distribution of income, labour productivity and competitiveness : is the Thai labour regime sustainable ?” (Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 36, no. 4, July 2012) and coordinated with Mia Mikic the collective work “Asean Economic Community 2015 : a model for Asia-wide regional integration ?” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).

ASEAN Economic Community L’Asie du Sud-Est 2013 L’Asie du Sud-Est 2014 L’Asie du Sud-Est 2015 L’Asie du Sud-Est 2016 L’Asie du Sud-Est 2018 L’Asie du Sud-Est 2019