Book launch
Research training
Roundtable discussion / Debate
Call for paper
Call for proposals
IRASEC Scholarship
Press article
TV / audiovisual
The institute
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Research positions at IRASEC
Researchers’ positions at IRASEC
Hosting of lecturer-researchers (University) in CNRS delegation at IRASEC
Support for short-term international mobility (SMI) (from 3 to 9 months) for researchers, research engineers and professors
Doctoral contracts with international mobility
Fieldwork Scholarships
Adjunct researchers
Administrative team
The network of UMIFRE
Research Projects
With French institutional funding
ANR VinoRosa
Gemmes Vietnam
With other funding
tual intelligibility and
ltilingualisme between closely
elated language
rse g
ss pain
ng in Ind
esia, 19th-21th centuries (REVELATION)
Christian religious facts in the Philippines
Re-politicising transnationalism: migrant women and migrant politics between Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore
The Myanmar Education landscape, after the coup
Research trainings
Sustainable Development Studies in Southeast Asia (SUDSSEA)
Transnational Migration in Southeast Asia (TRIMSEA)
Urban Theories Across Borders (UTAB), 5-17 December 2022
IRASEC’s scientific publications board
L’Asie du Sud-Est
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2014
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2015
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2016
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2007
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2008
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2009
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2010
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2011
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2012
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2013
... All articles
National Monographs
Birmanie contemporaine
Cambodge contemporain
Indonésie contemporaine
Malaisie contemporaine
Philippines contemporaines
Revolusi tak kunjung selesai
Thaïlande contemporaine
Timor-Leste contemporain
Viêt Nam contemporain
Occasional Papers
Back to Old Habits
Buddhism and Politics in Thailand
Current Electoral Processes in Southeast Asia. Regional Learnings
Defiance, civil resistance and experiences of violence under military rule in Myanmar
Des catastrophes naturelles au désastre humain
Education in Post-Coup Myanmar
Education, Economy and Identity
Femmes prostituées dans la region du sud de la Thaïlande
From the Mosque to the Ballot Box
... All articles
Discussion Papers
n°1 - La décentralisation indonésienne
n°10 - State Building, Infrastructure Development and Chinese Energy Projects in Myanmar
n°11 - Évolution du rôle du yuan en Asie orientale : la guerre des monnaies aura-t-elle lieu ?
n°12 - The Council of Indonesian Ulama (Majelis Ulama Indonesia, MUI) and Religious Freedom
n°13 - Russia’s Quiet Partnerships in Southeast Asia
n°14 - Geopolitics of Scarborough Shoal
n°15 - Competitiveness of Local Agriculture
n°16 - Brokering Teacher Training in Vietnam’s Early Childhood and Vocational Education Sectors
n°17 - Positionnement des États sud-est asiatiques face à la guerre en Ukraine : analyse médiatique d’un large spectre de neutralités
n°18 - Économie politique du cannabis en Thaïlande
... All articles
Transnational Studies
An Atlas of Trafficking in Southeast Asia
Armée du Peuple, Armée du Roi
ASEAN Economic Community
Atlas de l’Asie du Sud-Est
Atlas des minorités musulmanes en Asie méridionale et orientale
Chinese Encounters in Southeast Asia
Chrétiens évangéliques d’Asie du Sud-Est
Des montagnards aux minorités ethniques
Divine Messengers
Économie de l’Asie du Sud-Est
... All articles
National Studies
Nay Pyi Taw
Soldiers and Diplomacy in Burma
Trajectoires littorales de l’hégémonie birmane
Cambodge soir
Dictionnaire des Khmers rouges
Phnom Penh privatisée
Aceh, unfinished history
Indonesian Food Barometer
Kebalian: The Dialogic Construction of Balinese Identity
The End of Innocence
The End of Innocence
Laos - From Buffer State to Crossroads?
Laos - Sociétés et pouvoirs
Le Laos au XXIe siècle
La Malaisie, un modèle de développement souverain?
The Development of Malaysian Capitalism
Élites et développement aux Philippines: un pari perdu?
La Croix & le Kriss
A Roof Over Every Head
The Ruling Elite of Singapore
Alternatives agricoles en Thaïlande
Les Musulmans de Thaïlande
Los Musulmanes de Tailandia
Sustainability of Thailand’s Competitiveness
The Muslims of Thailand
Catholicisme et protestantisme dans l’île de Timor : 1556-2003
East Timor - A Country at the Crossroads of Asia and the Pacific
Timor : 1250-2005
Timor Lorosa’e - Pays Carrefour de l’Asie et du Pacifique
Timor-Leste en quête de repères
Agriculture, environnement et sociétés sur les hautes terres du Viêt Nam
Heroes and Revolution in Vietnam
Japon - Viêt Nam
Les Oracles du Cao Ðài
Volées, envolées, convolées...
Submit a manuscript
List of theses
Directory of theses published on Southeast Asia in 2019
A comparative legal study of sex discrimination in labour law in the European Union and Vietnam : critical perspectives on equal pay, pregnancy and maternity
European performance revisited : EU external policy ‘making’ in Singapore, Malaysia and Laos
Geopolitical Ecologies of Environmental Change, Land Grabbing and Migration. Comparative perspectives from Senegal and Cambodia
Politics and practices of conservation governance and livelihood change in two ethnic Hmong villages and a protected area in Yên Bái province, Vietnam
Stratégie américaine et guerre hybride au Vietnam : les succès contre-insurrectionnels américains et le spectre militaro-hybride qui engendra l’impasse militaire au Vietnam, 1960-1972
The contract farming as a determinant promoting tea production and marketing at farm household in Vietnam : a case study in Phu Tho province
Directory of theses published on Southeast Asia in 2020
(Un)safe Haven in Bangkok: Urban Refugee Protection in a Middle Income Country
A Genetic Study of G.E. Gerini’s Multilingual Writings about Siām and the Orient
Buddhist and Hindu Metal Images of Indonesia. Evidence for shared artistic and religious networks across Asia (c. 6th-10th century)
Complexité de l’insertion professionnelle des femmes sasaks dans l’industrie touristique de Lombok, Indonésie : nouvelle économie et identités locales
Consumer-green brand relationships: a conceptual framework and empirical analysis in Vietnam
De la protection du patrimoine culturel à la valorisation du tourisme durable en face des enjeux géopolitiques et environnementaux : le cas des villages traditionnels au Delta du Fleuve Rouge, Vietnam
Determinants of Access to essential Antiepileptic Drugs in Southeast Asia
Economic analysis of small scale freshwater aquaculture production and its product marketing channels in agro-aquaculture system in Hai Duong province, Vietnam
Empiral essays on issues in conventional and islamic banking: case of Indonesia
Évaluer la durabilité des systèmes de culture dans un contexte de transition rapide d’une agriculture familiale s’intégrant au marché : Cas de la monoculture mécanisée du maïs en Asie du Sud-Est
... All articles
Directory of theses published on Southeast Asia in 2021
A therapeutic mediation program for abused children in Cambodia. From the imperceptible traumatic experience to the containing form: the clinical contribution of psychic envelopes.
Adaptation au changement climatique au Vietnam avec les mangroves et le riz
Alternative strategy for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B in Cambodia: the ANRS 12345 TA PROHM study
Analyse économique de l’érosion côtière au Vietnam : une approche empirique
Aquatic resources exploitation and adaptation of Anatomically Modern Human in Island Southeast Asia: palaeoenvironmental and cultural implications
Assessing the impacts of urban morphology and architectural elements on indoor thermal conditions in vernacular houses and modern terraced houses in Hoi An, Vietnam
Buddhism, Bodies and Machines - the Sound Systems of Thailand (Phetchabun 2016- 2019)
Criminal liability of corporate leaders in Cambodia in light of French law
Die to survive: Cao Dai memories and rituals in late-socialist Vietnam
Diversity and homogeneity: the lithic technology in southwest China from the late Pleistocene to early Holocene and its implication to Southeast Asia Prehistory
... All articles
Directory of theses published on Southeast Asia in 2022
A Contrastive Study of English and Thai Compounding and Lexical Blending
A forgotten war? History and memories of french veterans during the first Indochina War
A Typological and Contrastive Study of aller ‘go’/venir ‘come’ in French and pāj ‘go’/māː ‘come’ in central Thai
Accelerating towards malaria elimination in south East Asia: identifying and delineating residual pockets of transmission
An economic and gender analysis in the Vietnamese tuna value chain-Policy implications for sustainable small-scale fisheries management
Analyse de la dualité juridique au Cambodge
Analysis of technological innovation as a success factor of sustainable competitiveness: Evidence from Vietnam agro-industrial exporters
Angkor Tales: literature and archeology in the context of colonial Indochina
Anthropisation and malaria transmission in rural Cambodia
Cultural identity and integration of Bugis and Minangkabau in the metropolis (Jakarta, Indonesia)
... All articles
List of theses published on Southeast Asia from January to May 2023
Codévelopper des stratégies pour réduire l’utilisation des antibiotiques : le cas des élevages de poulets au Viêt Nam
Deconstructing the public sphere: Facebook in Myanmar and sexual and reproductive health and rights in a period of political transitions (2016-2021)
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Comprehensive Childhood Tuberculosis Diagnostic Package at District Hospital and Primary Health Center Level in Low-Income Settings in Africa and South East Asia
Integration and territorial dynamics in Northeast Cambodia : the case of socio-spatial transformations in the Tampuan villages of Ratanakiri
Issues and methods for the creation of corpora in under-resourced languages applied to the classification of texts for learning Burmese
List of theses published on Southeast Asia in 2017
Becoming a gendered citizen : Filipina marriage migrants’ political incorporation in South Korea
Differentiated instruction implementation in primary schools: linking psychological factors in students and teachers to achievement
Perception of sexual interest: examining the roles of situations, dispositions, and culture
Transplantation of Asian spices in the Spanish empire 1518-1640: entrepreneurship, empiricism, and the crown
List of theses published on Southeast Asia in 2018
Aging in the context of immigration and care labour: The experiences of older Filipinos in Canada
Governance and firm efficiency in Vietnam
The determinants and consequences of auditor choice in Indonesia
To love a rat Shadow stories and interspecies relations in a Cambodian minefield
Video resources
Asia’s Post-Pandemic Order and Integration: Outlook of ASEAN and the Indo-Pacific at Crossroads
Conference Indo-Pacific : Opening Session
ASEAN and Asian Security in the Age of Pandemics / Amitav ACHARYA
Where ‘Act East’ meets Indo-Pacific: Mapping India’s Southeast Asia engagement / Rahul MISHRA
Explaining and Understanding ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific / Surat HORACHAIKUL
Southeast Asia between India and China / Panel discussion
Indo-Pacific Centrality and Multilateralism in Uncertime Times / Dewi FORTUNA ANWAR
Strengthening Pluralism in the Indo-Pacific and the Role of the ASEAN / LAU Sim Yee
ASEAN’s Positioning in a multipolar Indo-Pacific / Joefe B. SANTARITA
The Indo-Pacific: An Opportunity for Vietnam / Claire Thị Liên TRẦN
The Indo-Pacific from Southeast Asian Perspectives / Panel discussion part1
... All articles
Doing fieldwork in social sciences
#01 - Les méthodes et techniques d’enquêtes de terrain en sciences sociales / Olivier Tessier (EFEO)
#02 - Nghiên cứu làng xã Việt Nam (Trần Văn Quyến)
#03 - Nghiên cứu thực địa trong bảo tồn và phát huy giá trị di sản ở Huế (Bùi T.H. & Nguyễn Q.H.)
#04 - Researching In and Beyond Vietnamese Museums (Rachel Tough)
#05 - Phiên 2: Điểm thực địa không chỉ là nơi chốn mà là giai đoạn thời gian (discussion)
#06 - Trình diễn giới nơi nhóm nam đồng tính ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (Phù Khải Hùng)
#07 - Phụ nữ: lựa chọn sinh mổ và sinh thường(M. de Loenzien, V. Tsopgni & Hoang Thi Thuy Trang)
#08 - Session 3 : En être ou pas, militantisme et intimité (Discussion)
#09 - Preview of the book "Fieldwork and the Self", co-edited with V.T. King / Jeremy Jammes (lAO)
#10 - UJC Hồ Chí Minh (Cần Thơ): l’intégration au terrain et sa dynamique (Tepliashina Tatiana)
... All articles
Lancement d’Asie du Sud-Est 2020
Birmanie - We stand with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
Indonesia - A mega coalition for accelerated development
Indonesia - Mega koalisi untuk akselerasi pembangunan
Indonésie - Une méga coalition pour un développement en marche forcée
La diffusion du Salafisme en Asie du Sud-Est - Réceptions locales d’une pensée globalisante
L’Asie du Sud-Est, laboratoire du constitutionnalisme illibéral
Penyebaran Salafisme di Asia Tenggara: Penerimaan lokal dari pemikiran yang menglobal
Thaïlande - Ralentissement économique, accroissement des inégalités et autoritarisme électoral
The Diffusion of Salafism in Southeast Asia: Local Receptions of a Globalizing Thinking
Timor-Leste - Petit, lointain et au cœur de préoccupations stratégiques
... All articles
Societies and Environments in Southeast Asia
Beyond Nature and Culture of Modern Thai Water Engineering: The Ontology of Infrastructure
Politics of nature conservation in Thailand
Rethinking the Nature/Culture Divide
Understanding an Active Volcano: Animism and Naturalism in Central Javanese Society
Bangkok’s Night of Ideas 2021
Birmanie : (dis)continuité État-nation
Buddhism and Politics in Thailand
Chrétiens évangéliques d’Asie du Sud-Est. Expériences locales d’une ferveur conquérante
Commoning Water(s): Resources, Services and Ecological Justice in Asia
Comprendre la Thaïlande avec Eugénie MÉRIEAU
Current Electoral Processes in Southeast Asia - Regional Learnings
Enjeux énergétiques et défis sociétaux en Asie du Sud-Est
Lancement d’Asie du Sud-Est 2022 à Bangkok
Lancement du livre Asie du Sud-Est 2021 à Bangkok
... All articles
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L’Asie du Sud-Est
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Transnational Studies
National Studies
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Head of Department at Thairath Daily.