Les actes mengancam (menaçants) et contextes culturels : une approche à l’interface des représentations sémantiques de militaires et de leurs réalisations linguistiques en Malaisie
Author : Wan Mohtar, Wan Ikhlas
Under the direction of : Abdelhadi Bellachhab
Nantes University
Texte français
Keywords : Language sciences, Malaysia, Cognitive linguistics, Malay (language), Argumentative discourse, Language acts- Military personnel.
The purpose of this research is to study and analyse the threatening acts of TEGUR (reproach), KRITIK (criticize) and MENGHINA (insult) and their linguistic realizations in Malaysian military and civil discourse. We take a comparative approach between French and Malay. For the analysis, we adopt the alliance outlined by Beilachhab (2009) of the theoretical model of Semantics of Argumentative Possibilities (SP A) and Cognitive Grammar (CG). We will attempt to (re)construct the lexical meaning of the verbs (and nouns) designating the acts TEGUR/REPROCHER, KRITIK/CRITIQUER, MENGHINA/INSULTER. Then, we propose descriptions and comparisons of these conceptual representations of threatening acts in terms of idealized cognitive models (ICM). We conclude with an analysis of the linguistic realizations of these language acts. We start from the hypothesis that one constructs and represents the linguistic and conceptual meanings of a language act from a semantic-pragmatic conceptualization that is marked culturally and contextually. The analysed results led us to identify that cognitive representations develop in parallel with actual linguistic realizations and can manifest themselves through different strategies from the civilian to the military environment. In general, we have shown that the linguistic achievements of our informants show an influence of the conceptualization of the act on their mother tongue in relation to the socio-professional situation in which they find themselves.