Statutory researcher from 2017 to 2019
Statutory researcher from 2017 to 2019
Fields of interest
- Anthropology of Southeast Asia, mostly Thai studies
- Environmental issues, natural resources management, notably water, in Buddhist context
- Recent developments of the mythic and ritual complex around the figure of Nagas in Northeastern Thailand
- Anthropology of nature and anthropology of communication : relations between human and non-human such as other animals, plants, spirits, machines, etc.
- Thai boxing as one of the main cultural industry in Thailand and sport industry in the world
After a PhD. in anthropology at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and a postdoctoral position at the Musée du quai Branly, I joined the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), working successively for the Interdisciplinary Institute of Anthropology of Contemporaneity (IIAC) from 2008 to 2013 and the Laboratory of Ethnology and Comparative Sociology (LESC) from 2014 on. I used to teach anthropology at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) from 2009 to 2012 and at the Paris Institute of Political Studies from 2010 to 2014.
Selected bibliography
2013 Les coulisses du Muay Thai. Anthropologie d’un art martial thaïlandais, Editions des Indes Savantes.
2015 « Rêver du poisson-taureau en Islande », dans Emmanuel Grimaud et Anne-Christine Taylor (Dir.), Persona. Étrangement humain, Musée du quai Branly, Actes Sud : 256-260.
2012 (with Emmanuel Grimaud et Nicolas Césard) « Insect magnetism. The communication circuits of beetle fighting in Thailand », Hau : Journal of Ethnographic Theory [En ligne], 2(2), mis en ligne en décembre 2012. URL :
2012 (with Emmanuel Grimaud et Nicolas Césard) « Le scarabées conducteur. Le jeu de kwaang, entre vibration et coopération », Terrain, n° 58/mars 2012, Pourquoi coopérer ? », 94-107.
2011 « Jaek et les bons matches nuls. Portrait d’un combattant anonyme de boxe thaïlandaise », in Sylvaine Camelin, Christine Jungen, Josiane Massart-Vincent (Dir.), Portraits, esquisses anthropographiques, Editions Petra : 27-44.
2011 « Competition Among Cultures of Masculinity. When Thai Transgender Bodies go Through Muay Thai », in Peter Jackson (Dir.), Thailand’s 21st Century Queer Boom, Hong Kong University Press : 43-58.
2011 « Thai Boxing : Networking of a Polymorphous Clinch », Douglas Farrer and John Whalen-Bridge (Dir.), Embodied Knowledge : Traditional Asian Martial Arts in a Transnational World, New York, Suny Press : 145-160.2007 « Violence et immunité. La boxe thaïlandaise promue en art de défense national », l’Homme, n°182, avril 2007, 163-186.
2006 « Boxe thaïlandaise : assurer le spectacle et ne pas perdre la face », dans Gilles Raveneau (Dir.) « Sports à risques, corps du risque », Ethnologie française, 2006-4, 643-650.
Documentary films
2013 - (Based on an idea from Stéphane Rennesson ; direction Emmanuel Grimaud and Stéphane Rennesson ; cameraman, Emmanuel Grimaud and Nicolas Césard ; editing Emmanuel Grimaud, Stéphane Rennesson and Arghyro Paouri ; dialogues, interviews and subtitles, Stéphane Rennesson), Les Rois du kwaang/Kings of the beetle. 56’, URL :
2013 - (Based on an idea from Stéphane Rennesson ; direction Emmanuel Grimaud and Stéphane Rennesson ; cameraman, Emmanuel Grimaud ; editing Emmanuel Grimaud, Stéphane Rennesson ; colour grading, mixing and special effects, Arghyro Paouri ; dialogues, interviews and subtitles, Stéphane Rennesson), Eaux troubles/Murky waters (Plaa Kat, 40’ ; Plaa Kem, 28’),