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Thi Anh-Dao TRAN

Adjunct researcher


Statutory researcher from 2019 to 2021

thianh-dao.tran irasec.com

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Fields of interest

  • Globalisation and development
  • International integration and assymmetries
  • Integration, mobility and South-South trade
  • Comparative studies in East and Southeast Asia


Thi Anh-Dao TRAN is Research Fellow at the Centre for Research in Economics Applied to Globalization (CREAM, University of Rouen). Her main fields of interest are the macroeconomic issues of globalization and development, with a focus on the emerging economies of Asia. She has also years experience in training/designing trainings for public officials.

Selected bibliography

  1. “Should I stay or should I go ? The role of the renminbi in trade partnerships in the Asia-Pacific region” (with Phi M.H.), Post-Communist Economies, published online on 22 February 2020. DOI : 10.1080/14631377.2020.1722582.
  2. « Les relations commerciales entre l’Asie du Sud-Est et l’Afrique Sub-Saharienne : les promesses d’une coopération Sud-Sud ». In C. Tran et C. Cabasset (eds.), Asie du Sud-Est 2020. Bilan, enjeux et perspectives, IRASEC et Les Indes Savantes, Paris, 2020.
  3. “Subjective well-being and social comparison : a comparative study on rural Thailand and Vietnam” (with Pham T.K.C., Nguyen-Van P., Nguyen-Huu T.T., N. Koné), Revue d’économie politique, 129(6), Nov-Dec. 2019, p. 993-1029. DOI : 10.3917/redp.296.0993
  4. “The feminization of employment through export-led strategies : Evidence from Vietnam”, Revue de la Régulation, 1st semester, Spring 2019, DOI : 10.4000/regulation.14589.
  5. « Les zones franches d’exportation : un instrument d’insertion économique de l’Asie du Sud-Est ». In C. Tran et C. Cabasset (eds.), Asie du Sud-Est 2019. Bilan, enjeux et perspectives, IRASEC et Les Indes Savantes, Paris, January 2019.
  6. “Export diversification and RER in emerging Latin America and Asia : a North-South vs South-South decomposition” (with Phi M.H. and Diaw D.), Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 26(6), 2017, p. 649-676. DOI : 10.1080/09638199.2017.1286680
  7. “Sub-Saharan Africa’s growth, South-South trade and the generalized Balance-of-payment constraint” (with Bagnai A. and Rieber A.), Cambridge Journal of Economics, 40(3), 2016, p. 797-820. DOI : 10.1093/cje/bev020.
  8. “Economic growth and balance of payments constraint in Vietnam” (with Bagnai A. and Rieber A.), Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, 38(4), 2015, p. 588-615. DOI : 10.1080/01603477.2015.1087806.
  9. “FDI inflows and trade imbalances : Evidence from Developing Asia” (with Dinh T.T.B.), The European Journal of Comparative Economics, 11(1), 2014, p. 147-169.
  10. “FDI and growth in Vietnam : A critical survey” (with Dinh T.T.B.), Journal of Economics and Development, 15(3), Dec. 2013, p. 91-116.

L’Asie du Sud-Est 2019 L’Asie du Sud-Est 2020