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De l’autre côté de la frontière. Quelles formes de socialisation dans un contexte de désocialisation totalitaire?

François Robinne vient de publier un article dans le dernier numéro de la revue Anthropologie et sociétés (Vol. 47, n° 3, « Solidarités et tensions »), dans lequel il donne une analyse des événements en cours en Birmanie.



Crowded and warmer: Unequal dengue risk at high spatial resolution across a megacity of India

Olivier Telle (CNRS, IRASEC) published an article in collaboration with Researchers from Institut Pasteur Paris, New York and Buenos Aires Universities and Santa Fe Institute investigating the link between dengue and the urban and climatic environment of Delhi, India.



Irruption discursive aux Philippines et gouvernementalité par le salut : étude de l’essor de l’évangélisme « born again »

Jérémy Ianni vient de publier un article dans la revue Religiologiques (no 45, printemps/automne 2023, 191–215).

Aux Philippines, on note une irruption discursive contre l’Église catholique romaine, en particulier depuis la mandature de l’ancien président Rodrigo Duterte. Cette reconfiguration discursive concerne en particulier l’utilisation de la drogue, et indique, selon les théories foucaldiennes, un transfert savoir-pourvoir. Les Églises « born again » sont l’un des foyers de cette nouvelle expression.



Kebalian: The Dialogic Construction of Balinese Identity

We are pleased to announce the release of ‘Kebalian: The Dialogic Construction of Balinese Identity’ by Michel Picard, a book co-edited with NUS-Press.


“Bali has long enjoyed a special standing in Indonesian studies, and no scholar has done more to deepen our appreciation of Balinese history and culture than Michel Picard. In this beautifully written book, Picard provides his most panoramic account yet of the forging of Balinese identity and religion in modern Indonesia.” — Robert W. Hefner, Boston University

Kebalian is the culmination of decades of research on how Balinese have defined themselves in the modern world. It is a magisterial study that gives voice to the Balinese intellectuals who shaped the island in the twentieth century. Anyone interested in the forces that formed Indonesian culture and identity should read it.” – Adrian Vickers, University of Sydney




“Culture and human rights” in international cooperation organisations: two abstractions at risk for immersion and unconditional acceptance

Jerémy Ianni published an article entitled “Culture et droits humains” dans les organisations de coopération internationales : deux abstractions à risque pour l’immersion et l’accueil inconditionnel, in issue 68 of the Revue internationale des sciences humaines et sociales, “L’éducation populaire dans tous ses états : nouvelles approches émancipatrices et défis politiques”



Just released

Edited by Gabriel Facal and Jérôme Samuel
IRASEC, Bangkok,
February 2024, 452 p.

For each of the region’s eleven countries, “L’Asie du Sud-Est 2024, bilan, enjeux et perspectives” offers a detailed, synthetic analysis of the main political, economic, social, environmental and diplomatic events of 2023, complemented by a focus on two personalities of the year and a news picture.



Mobilité quotidienne et diffusion des épidémies

Éric Daudé a publié un chapitre sur la mobilité et la diffusion des épidémies dans l’ouvrage Mobilité quotidienne et santé paru en juillet 2023 aux éditions de l’Encyclopédie des Sciences (ISTE).

L’ouvrage Mobilité quotidienne et santé présente différentes facettes de la relation entre mobilité quotidienne et santé en mettant l’accent sur les environnements (géographiques, sociaux et politiques) au sein desquels les populations vivent et se déplacent.



Mémoires d’avenir : Fondation d’un monastère de bénédictines sur les Hauts Plateaux du Viêt Nam (1954-1975)

Ouvrage présenté et édité par Marie-Madeleine Caseau et Jérémy Jammes,
Saint-Léger Éditions, collection : « Femmes en missions chrétiennes »,
2023, 658 pages, avec près de 100 photographies, cartes et archives d’époque,
ISBN : 9782364529021.

Mémoires d’Avenir retrace l’aventure de cinq sœurs bénédictines, envoyées de France en 1954 fonder un monastère au sein du peuple montagnard Êdê du Viêt Nam. En 1967, le monastère naissant transféra son implantation à Thu Duc, près de Saigon. Deux sœurs restèrent pour partager la vie des Montagnards. Aujourd’hui, à Ban Mê Thuôt, deux signes vivants témoignent de cette mission : le prieuré devenu évêché et un groupe de chrétiens.



Current Electoral Processes in Southeast Asia. Regional Learnings

Edited by Gabriel Facal
IRASEC, Bangkok
November 2023, 90 p.
ISBN : 978-2-35596-075-8
English Language English text


While Southeast Asia is completing a strong geopolitical sequence and the region remains a strategic area in the relations of influence in the Indo-Pacific, several countries are also focused on electoral agendas and the domestic political dynamics they impel. The Philippines saw a presidential election (May 2022) for which an assessment has yet to be made, while the general elections in Malaysia (November 2022) and the presidential one in Timor-Leste (April 2022), followed by the legislative elections in May 2023, open up new dynamics that have yet to be consolidated.



Économie politique du cannabis en Thaïlande

In 2019, Thailand became the first country in Asia to legalize cannabis for medical purposes, before decriminalizing the substance in 2022, provoking a break with its strict drug laws. This turnaround was made possible by a political coalition in which the party in favor of decriminalizing cannabis found itself in a very favorable position following the 2019 elections. The article explores the political and economic context behind such legislative changes, as well as their impact in Thailand and the Southeast Asian region. Data were obtained during an eight-month field survey in Thailand, between September 2022 and April 2023. Semi-directed interviews and participant observation were carried out in three tourist destinations in the country, namely Phuket, Bangkok, and Chiang Mai. It is argued that, although legislative changes have fostered the emergence of a significant cannabis industry fueled by tourism, they have also provoked public health concerns, as the number of Thais consuming cannabis has increased exponentially. While several states in the Southeast Asian region are closely watching the effects of cannabis decriminalization, the results of the latest elections in May 2023 could bring about a major turnaround in Thailand’s cannabis industry.


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