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This seminar aims to discuss the relationship between Southeast Asian societies and their natural environments using an anthropological approach and considering contemporary socio-political challenges.

Rethinking the Nature/Culture Divide

Philippe DESCOLA (Professor at Collège de France, Chair in Anthropology of Nature) will close the lecture series of the academic seminar “Societies and Environments in Southeast Asia”, with a public lecture at Chulalongkorn University (Thailand).
Discussants :
Dr. Yukti MUKDAWIJITRA (Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University) Thanes WONGYANNAWA (Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University)
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Notions such as ‘nature’ or ‘culture’ are the product of a (...)

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Understanding an Active Volcano : Animism and Naturalism in Central Javanese Society

Adeline Martinez (IRASEC - IrAsia) will go on with the lecture series of the academic seminar “Societies and Environments in Southeast Asia”, with a session about animism and Naturalism in Central Javanese Society.
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Through the example of the Merapi volcano in Central Java in Indonesia, this talk will explore different practices and conceptions related to the comprehension and the communication with this uncertain environment. It aims to put in perspective two main ontologies (...)

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Politics of nature conservation in Thailand

Pinkaew Laungaramsri (Faculty of Social Science, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Chiang Mai University) will go on with the lecture series of the academic seminar “Societies and Environments in Southeast Asia”, with a session about the Politics of nature conservation in Thailand.
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This talk focuses on the process of social production of “nature” within the changing political economy of modern Thailand. By historicizing nature, I argue that the so-called untouchable, (...)

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Beyond Nature and Culture of Modern Thai Water Engineering : The Ontology of Infrastructure

Jakkrit Sangkhamanee (CSDS, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Chulalongkorn University) will go on with the lecture series of the academic seminar “Societies and Environments in Southeast Asia”, with a session about Modern Thai Water Engineering.
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The talk will explore Thailand’s Royal Irrigation Department Museum for Heavy Engineering where the works and lives of engineers are displayed and narrated and their machines exhibited. Through (...)

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