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Understanding an Active Volcano : Animism and Naturalism in Central Javanese Society


Adeline Martinez (IRASEC - IrAsia) will go on with the lecture series of the academic seminar “Societies and Environments in Southeast Asia”, with a session about animism and Naturalism in Central Javanese Society.

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Through the example of the Merapi volcano in Central Java in Indonesia, this talk will explore different practices and conceptions related to the comprehension and the communication with this uncertain environment. It aims to put in perspective two main ontologies in the Central Javanese Society in relation with this specific volcano : naturalism and animism as defined by Philippe Descola. Indeed, in this region, scientific views of ‘nature’- represented by state institutions and volcanoes’ surveillance agencies - are coexisting with a specific cosmological system and ritual practices in relation with the volcano – such as the Labuhan, the annual offering ceremony in Mount Merapi. After presenting the main characteristics of these ontologies and their current specific expressions in Central Java, this communication will discuss the conditions of the overlapping and articulation of these two modes of identification.

Friday, February 24, 2017
Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University

will go on with the lecture series of the academic seminar with a session about animism and Naturalism in Central Javanese Society.